Monday 13 May 2013

Labour - A real human machine

After taking my dinner
i walk outside in night
i feel the pleasure and calmness of wind
in the moon light
where every place look bright
no darkness thank God!
make every night like this
the serenity the peace
its a great please
from my side
make every night like this

ask those hardworking laborers
brick on the shoulders
no buddy can measure
they whole life suffers
because of destiny or ancestors
they live for today 
not for  tomorrow suppers
i ask God what kind of favours
where rich get richer
poor get poorer
i salute them i respect them
the hardworking human machine
at night i see the comfort in their sleep
 i don't need any disturbance
its a great please 
from my side 
make every night like this
for these real people that never die
respect for them just multiply
its all about destiny
ahmen the kings choice!

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